Tuesday, February 15, 2011

::: This Guy Made Me Stayed Up All Night :::


okay okay...seriously I'm in love with him. hahaha. love with all his video, to be exect!! hehehe.

he's name Luthfi a.k.a matluthfi90 in his YouTube account. a Malaysian citizen but still studying in Aussie. well, I think he's from northern Malaysia. *kalau dengar dari loghat dia tu la kan*  younger than me and just same age with my brother. and I don't think I fall in love with him just like what Nik told me last night when I post some of his videos in my Facebook wall. 

and yeah, he's cute. believe me. hah-ha.

actually, he's a YouTuber who are always made a very funny and creative videos. I stayed up all night long until morning just to watch his videos. yeah, believe me...'till morning. M.O.R.N.I.N.G !! oh, he's also has a lot of friends which I guess it must be his fans. 

oh yer, actually aku jumpe vids dia dalam Facebook member aku. dah agak lama la. masa mothers day last year. hahaha. lama kan? lepas tu adalah member aku post lagi dua video dia. aku try subscribed vids dia dari YouTube tapi tak jumpa...and then, kelmarin member aku post satu lagi vids dia. the latest one. hah, ape lagi aku terus subscribed la. finally, I found him. ho yeahhhh. he's too damn funny. plus, he's quite adorable. hahaha. *maaflah, penyakit gedik dah datang balik*

watching his video make me wanna laugh out so hard. seriously. tapi tak jadi la nak buat macam tu..kang gelak kuat kuat ada pulak yang datang teman gelak sekali. kan ke haru. hehehe. all his videos are worth watching...its make all your stress gone.  he's soooo funny. 

so, here are a few of my fav videos...but maybe all of you like to watch all of his videos here... do watch them.

okay, enjoy watching some of my fav videos that I selected... =]

:: Cuti Sekolah Bersama Adik ::

kalau korang rasa bosan tak taw nak buat ape demi mengisi masa lapang cuti sekolah adik korang, bolehlah ikot idea dia. at least takde la adik adik korang bosan je time cuti tu kan.

"tak mau mainlah..macam budak budaklah.."

"aku terror aku teror..hang tak terror..."

"mana ada...hang la terror..."


:: Jiran Baru ::

aku nak ingatkan korang janganlah jadi macam bapak si akmal nih. 

"mak bapak dia perangai teruk..."

"ayah dia dok balik lewat malam...jalan terhoyong hayang...minum arak ke hapa...?"

"mak dia pun isap rokok. dok sidai kain pon isap rokok..."

"bapak panas baran...saya tak..."


:: Selamat Hari Ibu 2010 ::

this is the first his video I watched. its so sweet. it was dedicated to his mother during the mothers day last year. just because of this video its made me fall in love to watch all of his vids. ala ala love at the first watch la. hahaha.

"tolong beli buah..kupas buah"

"tolong teman beli baju bundle..."

"tolong recommend krim jerawat walau satu pun tak guna..."

"tolong tanam pokok banyak banyak untuk kami adik beradik buat tiang gol..."


:: Typical Film/Drama Scenes ::

he's sooo cute when he doing the actress part. damn cute. 

"kawenkan anak you dengan anak I..."

"you tak tahu tak tahu..."

"salah...dia anak anak Tan Sri..."

" sape lagi you sayang? you cakap dengan I..cakap dengan I..."

kahkahkah ;]

:: Nama Pun Sampah ::

okay, this vid so creative. love this one. nih sesuai untuk ditonton especially for those yang suka sangat buang sampah merata-rata. 

:: Top 5 Superheroes ::

well, watch this. it will tell you how to be the no. 1 superheroes.
actually, it just a public service announcement. the way he do it so creative.  

see, told you, are you ready to be no. 1 superheroes??

::  We Eat Nasi ::

this is tribute to all Malaysian. it was a little insight about our country, Malaysia. 

" now, after more than 50 years of independent, we realize that there's no dangerous sit side by side"

"...and eat together..."

" we learn how to share..."

:: Accept Differences (music) ::

vid ni buat aku teringat kes masa study dulu. tapi lecturer aku tanya pasal genre movie yang kiteorang minat la. hohoho. well, stop condemning just accept all the differences. 



old song?

...or rasa sayang?

:: Lampu Penyumpah ::

seriously, kalau ada lampu penyumpah macam ni...aku yang akan pergi beli dulu. 

" anda berhasrat untuk menyumpah seseorang? tetapi tiada kuasa yang secukupny untuk menyumpah?"

"... dengan jarak 20km sejam..."

LOL ;-)

:: Mercun Bola Bukan Bola ::

the most funny i watched.

" ko pehal dowh baling kat aku...?tak puas hati jumpe kat luar ar.."

"haram..bapak hang tak ajaq ha dok baling baling barang kat orang?"

" jahat sangat mnatang nih.."

"di balingnya mercun kpada kamik..."


oh, you guys could watch the rest of his videos in his channel or just subscribed him.* I did already*  hehehe. can't wait for next video. haha.


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